‘Services must be protected’ – Helen continues fight for Oswestry Post Offices

North Shropshire MP Helen Morgan is continuing her fight to protect Post Office services in Oswestry after a fresh closure was announced.
Helen has committed to defending provision throughout the town after it was confirmed yesterday that the Cabin Lane Post Office is due to close. The branch, which operates out of the Co-op, will stay open until July.
The MP has met with Post Office representatives, and has now secured nearly 3,000 signatures on her petition to protect the Crown Branch on Willow Street. The follow-up announcement on Cabin Lane comes as a blow to residents who could be left with no provision in the whole town beyond that on Victoria Road.
Helen remains in regular contact with Post Office leaders and has urged Co-op bosses to protect the jobs of staff affected by the Cabin Lane closure.
The petition to save Oswestry Post Office and associated services can be found at helenmorgan.org.uk/oswestry-postoffice.
Helen Morgan said, “Post Office services in Oswestry must be protected. The strength of feeling in the town is very clear.
“Nearly 3,000 people have signed my petition calling for the full range of services at the Crown Branch on Willow Street to be protected, and no doubt many residents in the Cabin Lane area and North East of the town will be passionate about defending provision in their area too.
“I’ve met with Post Office representatives to make it clear that in a market town like Oswestry, which supports a large number of independent businesses, people really rely on the full range of Post Office services. Reducing provision to the point that it is solely on Victoria Road is not an option that suits anyone."
James Owen, Oswestry Councillor for Cambrian, added, “Many residents of the Cabin Lane area are reliant on the Co-Op, especially the Post Office counter. The proposed closure in July will only further exaggerate the loss of in-person services for those who need them the most in our town, and could be a very unpleasant combination if the Crown Branch on Willow Street is also lost. We will be doing all we can to fight to protect local services.”